Study the following article:

Porter, M.E. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review, 86(1), 79-93. Retrieved from Business Source Ultimate, via the Wilmington University Libraryonline resources.

Guidelines for the paper:

Provide a brief introduction to your assigned company (e.g. what is its business, in what market is it, how long has it been in business, etc.)

Apply each of Porters five forces to your assigned company, indicating the threat level (e.g. high, moderate or low), why you have made this assessment.

Do NOT make recommendations for addressing these threats; only provide your assessment of the threats.

Discuss one or more ethical considerations that are faced by either your assigned company or the market in which they operate.

Include a graphic of the Five Forces model that provides a bulleted synopsis of your assessment for each of the five forces.

Criteria for the paper:

Minimum of four (4) pages, to maximum (5) five pages (not including Porter Model illustration, title page, or reference page and any additional appendices).

APA style and formatting required. However, no abstract is required for this paper

Include a 1-page Porter model illustrating your analysis

Reference page and title page

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