The learning process never happens in a vacuum: we all occupy spaces, both physical and digital. For this assignment, we will learn the basics of rhetorical analysis as applied to non-standard texts: spaces.

Reading spaces as texts will rely on your ability to identify the main rhetorical appeals: ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos. You will also need to identify the rhetorical situation: the audience, the purpose, and the context in which your text/space exists.

You will write a 5-page (double-spaced) essay analyzing a space in your life that you are prepared to question, whether physical or digital. Choose something familiar and accessible, but not necessarily something you hold too dear.

For a successful essay, consider the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of this space?
  • What emotional impact does this space have, whether on yourself or on others?
  • What is the history of the space?
  • What is the rhetorical situation/circumstances of the space?
  • Who is the audience of this space, intended and actual?
  • What is your connection to the space?
  • What implicit or explicit arguments is this space making?
  • What visual or textual evidence gives meaning to the space?
  • Provide evidence for the questions you answer. How do you know?

What I will look for in your essays:

  • An analysis of all major claims along with evidence
  • An analysis of the rhetorical situation along with evidence
  • A cohesive organization/structure
  • A clear thesis

What I will disapprove of:

  • Claims that are not backed up with evidence (ask: why do you think/how do you know this?)
  • Evidence and description not tied to your argument (ask: what does it mean? what conclusions can I draw?)
  • Late work

the half-draft only need about 2.5 pages and i have a easy outline about these two spaces in the word document

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