2. For the discussion, select ONE Regression Analysis from the article and focus on that particular analysis for all the questions below.

Note that there are often multiple hypothesis tests and therefore multiple statistical analyses performed. Just select ONE Regression Analysis for the discussion.

  • Who were in the sample?
  • Who were in the target population represented by the sample?
  • Was the sample a good representative of that population? Why or why not?
  • What was the null hypothesis tested by this Regression?
  • What was the outcome variable?
  • What was the predictor?
  • What was the F test result for the model? (Report the results in APA format)
  • What was the result on the predictor? (Report the results in APA format)

How does this regression analysis help to answer the main research question of this article?

4. Include the nine bullet points in your post as section headings so all the answers are clear to the readers.

*****To help you focus your discussion in the right place, let me point out the two multiple regression analyses that are applicable, highlighted in the screen shot below (scroll down to see the screen shot). The other analyses like hierarchical regression are not covered in this course so it’s not a good idea to choose those for your discussion.

The authors are basically trying to figure out exactly how HYPERMASCULINITY, PAIN TOLERANCE, and TRAIT AGGRESSION relate to one another so that they can build a theory about the relationship.

In one regression, they “regressed TRAIT AGGRESSION simultaneously on the two predictor variables”. This means that TRAIT AGGRESSION is the outcome variable, while the other two are the predictors. This regression tells us how we can use HYPERMASCULINITY and PAIN TOLERANCE to predict a person’s AGGRESSIVENESS.

In the other regression, “PAIN TOLERANCE was simultaneously regressed onto HYPERMASCULINITY and TRAIT AGGRESSION”. This means that PAIN TOLERANCE is the outcome variable while the other two are the predictors. This regression tells us how we can use HYPERMASCULINITY and TRAIT AGGRESSION to predict a person’s PAIN TOLERANCE.

Just pick one of those two regression analyses to discuss. The lecture “Hypothesis Testing with Multiple Regression” should guild you through the process of examining the result of the whole regression model and the result of each predictor in your chosen regression model.

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