Essay 2: Citizenship and Education For this assignment, you will discuss the extent to which you believe that education and citizenship are connected. Using the articles “The Myth of the Student Loan Crisis” and “Here’s Your Crisis: Student Loan Debt Isn’t a Myth”, construct an essay in which you explain how education affects citizenship. In brainstorming for this essay, think about these questions: How does an educated populace affect democracy? Does the government have a responsibility to educate citizens? (Please keep in mind that your essay does NOT have to address or answer all of these questions…these are just meant to get you started.) Start with an introduction that gives a hook, background information on the topic, and a thesis statement that indicates your view of the relationship between citizenship and education and the angle that your paper will take. For example, if you choose to focus on the fact that you feel that the government should provide a college education to all citizens, your thesis statement could look something like this: The government should provide a college education to all citizens because… (List your points here). Maybe you decide you want to argue that an educated population greatly benefits society or democracy. Then you would mold your thesis statement to fit your argument. The body paragraphs of your essay should begin with topic sentences that directly support the thesis statement and should be well-developed with examples and commentary. The conclusion should summarize the main idea of the essay and remind readers of the importance of your argument. *Additionally, in this paper, you should include 2 quotes from the assigned articles for this assignment. You can use two quotes from one of the articles or one from each article. Use these quotes wherever you feel that they most support your essay. Some of you may find it useful to use a quote in your introduction and then use one in a body paragraph. Or you could choose to use them elsewhere; it is completely up to you. • Body paragraphs should be no shorter than 7 sentences • Introduction should be a minimum of 5 sentences • Type your paper according to MLA formatting and style. • Include two direct quotes in your essay

you should work on creating a works cited page for the two articles that you are using in essay 2 (“Here’s Your Crisis…” and “The Myth of the Student Loan Crisis”). The Myth of the Student Loan Crisi (Links to an external site.)s” and “Here’s Your Crisis: Student Loan Debt Isn’t a Myth (Links to an external site.).”

Please post thesis statement and three topic sentences for essay two before Sept.30 and Submit Essay 2 Works Cited page before Sept. 30

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