Main que :What are essential elements of a firewall policy?

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Essential Elements of a Firewall Policy

The security policy that focuses on the deployment and implementation of firewalls in an IT organization’s infrastructure. The first essential step in implementing a firewall is building a firewall policy. We need to come up with a proper plan since the firewall policy is one of the most important factors an organization needs to have upfront. Stewart (2014) mentioned that a firewall policy that is written provides various purposes and acts as a guide for the installation and configuration of the firewall. This makes the job easy and simple. The written plan can also be treated as a tool to assist in troubleshooting and guideline to hunt the changes and differences. We need a written plan to ensure consistency in filtering across the different firewalls.

The firewall policy should be able to address specific issues like configurations, versions, technical specifications to be fulfilled by the firewalls. The first important element is defining and allocating the security zones. These security zones are different for every other network. Clear descriptions of each subnets functionality, its level of risk and trust helps the firewall policy. This helps to develop a basic firewall deployment strategy. The policy should also define what type of firewall is needed for the organization since firewall types include static packet filtering, proxy, stateful inspection. A complete rule set should be defined for the firewall and make sure each rule is explained in detail with the support of justifications and reasons why these rules are stated in the policy (Stewart, 2014).

The policy should also address several answers for the questions like – What to log, how logging happens, where to store and how often to review log files, etc. Every firewall policy should contain details of every aspect of firewall design, implementation, management, repairing, recovery, troubleshooting, and monitoring (Stewart, 2014). The firewall policy can be drafted at the first but it can be reviewed and improved from time to time to make a better policy.


Firewall policy is a software or hardware network security system that monitors inbound and outbound network traffic by analyzing data packets and deciding whether or not they can be fair, based on the applicable regulations. Due to the growing threat of network attacks, the firewall has become a more important element in protecting our data from unauthorized attacks on the network. Its task is to filter out unwanted network traffic or secure network access. The filtering decision is based on a firewall policy based on a set of ordered filtering requirements defined by the pre-defined security policy requirements. (Thwin, L. W. (2018))

Firewall security effectiveness is to provide network administrators with policies / tools that allow policy administrators to analyze, clean, and verify the correctness of written firewall rules. Most companies use a firewall to securely connect internal network to the Internet, although can also use a firewall to protect internal network from another. Firefighters provide a single point of contact between secure and trusted network. Firewall is a network security system based on security rules that control and control incoming and outgoing network traffic. Firefighters typically establish a barrier between a trusted internal network and an un trusted external network, such as Internet walls. They are often classified as network-based or host-based firewalls. Network firewalls filter traffic between two or more networks and run network hardware. Hosting-based firewalls run on host computers and control network traffic on and off of these machines. (Chinnappan, J. (2017))

Essential elements of a firewall policy :

A firewall is a collection of hardware and software that, when used together, prevent unauthorized access to a portion of a network. A firewall consists of the following elements :

Hardware : Firewall hardware typically consists of a separate computer or device dedicated to running the firewall software functions.

Software : Firewall software provides a variety of applications. In terms of network security, a firewall provides these security controls through a variety of technologies:

Internet Protocol (IP) packet filtering.

Network address translation (NAT) services.

SOCKS server.

Proxy servers for a variety of services such as HTTP, Telnet, FTP, and so forth

Mail relay services.

Split Domain Name System (DNS).


Real-time monitoring. (Khavasi, A. A. (2016))

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