Written Project Proposal The Proposal should:

1)Introduce the background of Sihatech product http://sihatech.com/en

Sihatech empowers patients to find the best doctor according to their needs. Book a direct appointment with an experienced and trusted doctor from over 100 different medical specialties and sub specialities

Sihatech allows you to browse through our up-to-date database of doctors, clinics and hospitals

You can choose the doctor that is closest to you. Or a doctor that is a specific gender or speaks a similar language. You can also learn more about the experience and medical degrees of the doctor before booking a direct appointment. You can also see if that particular doctor, clinic or hospital accepts your insurance

No insurance, no problem as all doctors also accepted cash payments. And don’t worry, the Sihatech booking service is completely free and all appointments are verified by our Sihatech Call Center

Sihatech will always be free for patients so Book Your Appointment Now!

2)Briefly justify why you think it has a great potential in the target market

3)Briefly discuss potential concerns and challenges when marketing this product/in the target market

Attached Sample for your reference , please cover above points only

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