Campus Student Resource Assignment


The purpose of this assignment is:

1) To explore, in person, three student resources on campus that support academic and personal development.

2) To meet part of the writing requirement for the Human Understanding and Development guidelines in this Area E course.


  1. Browse the SJSU home page for student resources.Go to “Current Students” then to “Campus Life” in the dropdown menu.There you can begin exploring resources on campus that support your academic and personal growth.
  1. Choose three student resources and visit each location, in person, to gather information about the resource and meet the staff.Consider a student resource to be a physical location on campus with a staff whose jobs are to offer one or more services to students.Some of these resources’ names include the word “Center”, such as the Accessible Education Center, MOSAIC Cross-Cultural Center, and Career Center, but not all resourses do. What does not count as a resource?An academic department or school, the Art Building, retail outlets, or Greek organizations do not count for the purposes of this assignment.
  1. Choose resources with which you are not already familiar.Plan to explore new territory; so do not include dining services or the Bookstore, as most students are already familiar with them.Likewise, do not include the MLK Jr Library, the Bursar’s Office, Registrar, Fitness Center or other campus resource you have already used.However, one of your three resources must include the Student Health Center, regardless of familiarity.
  1. When at the resource, speak with a person and try to obtain a brochure.Keep in mind, some may not have brochures and will refer you to their website, instead.
  1. Your written paper is to be double spaced, with 1-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman typeface.
  • Write entirely in your own words without copying or quoting staff, brochures or webpages.
  • Write a few paragraphs about each resource that you visited.
  • Include: the nature of the resource, its possible use to you and other thoughts you may have about the resource.
  • Do not include a list of services, hours of operation, directions and other basic facts.
  1. Be sure your name and course information are on the first page.
  1. At the end of your paper state the word count.Use the word-count function under “Tool” in the main tool bar to identify and state the word-count starting with the body of your paper.The body of your paper should be at least 700 words (~2 pages), but not exceed 900 words (~2.5 pages).
  1. Before turning in a hard copy, upload your paper to Canvas.Then staple a rubric (found below) to the front of your paper and turn it in at the start of class on the day it is due.

Helpful Writing Advice:

This is a “GE Area E” writing assignment.Make your best effort to write well, suitable for a university-level paper.Your paper will be graded with attention to grammar, sentence structure, logic, tense, appropriate word choice, spelling, organization, clarity and readability.Writing quality is worth 10 points out of a possible 30 for this assignment.Proof read carefully.Consider seeking writing assistance for this assignment even if you do not think you need it.

Keep your description straightforward and in your own words.It may be tempting to use someone else’s words as your own.Plagiarism is the use of another person’s thoughts or verbiage without giving him or her credit.It is not enough to substitute, delete or add a few words in a sentence to make it yours.Instead, re-express the idea(s) in a substantially different new sentence.

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