Answer TWO of these questions based on the essays in the Modern America Examined: A Reader text with two paragraphs for each answer. And you use the essay material in writing the TWO answers to these questions.

  1. Baydo essay on the birth of urban America. What were the major elements discussed in this essay that contributed to the birth of urban America? Give examples from essay.
  2. Ennis essay on baseball and the American imagination. Describe the evolution of America baseball as described in this essay.
  3. Comer essay on immigration and assimilation. What problems did the immigrants face at this time in fitting into American society?
  4. Newman essay on black politicians. Who were some of the key politicians who rose to prominence during the period after the Civil War? Use examples from the essay.
  5. Carol Adams essay on American diplomacy. From this essay describe American foreign policy from World War I to the Great Depression.
  6. William Gudelunas essay on presidential scandals. From this essay give some examples of some of the modern presidents and their scandals.
  7. Contreras essay on modern Latin American policy. What have been the various trends in Latin American Policy since World War II?
  8. Coulter essay on the evolution of the Cold War. Identify the Cold War and show how the various modern presidents have handled this Cold War. Give examples in your answers.

Not :

** please You are not to use outside sources, only class material. This is not a research paper and you do not list sources in your answer.

((( All the assignments are checked by my plagiarism checker that would show if you used outside sources for this assignment. Make sure you use lecture, text, and video primarily in this assignment )))

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