Only need approx 100-150 word response.

The protests of American college and high school students over the Vietnam War, the draft, racial segregation and other social and economic issues changed and developed American perception and law regarding the First Amendment. In the 1960s and 1970s, popular culture reflected the tension felt throughout the nation.

  • What were some of the social differences that seemed to foster the conflict of the 1960s and 1970s? Were they economic, political, racial, and/or religious?
  • How do you think these conflicts reflected the issue of the common good vs. individual rights?
  • Which lines from the Constitution were drawn upon to support the protests?
  • Discuss an issue that you see leading to civil strife in the country today that reflects the debate of the common good vs. individual rights.
  • What side are you on? Why? How does the Constitution support your argument?
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