Please answer the 2 questions about the readings that are provided below. Your work will be checked for originality.

There is no upper limit to how many words you write, however you must write a minimum of 500 words total.

Answer the questions as well as you can. The goal is to demonstrate that you have done the readings carefully. The better you demonstrate your genuine engagement with the readings, the better your grade will be.

Please remember to use quotes from the readings in your answer. When you insert a quote from the readings, don’t forget to note exactly where the quote comes from. Please use footnotes or endnotes, and include the author, title, and page number of the source of your quote.

A. READ “Translating Homosexuality: The Discourse of Tongxing ai in Republican China,” in Sang, Deborah Tze-lan, Emerging Lesbian: Female Same-Sex Desire in Modern China, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003: 99-126. Answer the following questions: Some scholars have suggested that China imported Western psychological ideas wholesale, for example Western attitudes about sexuality. What does Sang think? What are some examples of intellectual debate about sexuality that Sang gives? Who was Zhang Jingsheng, aka. “Dr. Sex”? What did he translate and whom did it impact? Who was Pan Guangdan? What was a “Republican Era” view of homosexuality?

B. READ “Tragic Romance: The Going-In Story,” Fran Martin, Backward Glances: Contemporary Chinese Cultures and the Female Homoerotic Imaginary, Durham: Duke University Press, 2010: 29-48. Answer the following questions: What are some key features of the “schoolgirl romances” that Martin describes? Would you say that the schoolgirl romances are conservative or progressive in general, according to Martin’s reading? What does Martin mean when she mentions the “universalizing model of the temporary schoolgirl lover” and “the minoritizing understanding of the lifelong tomboy” (48)?

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