Finish and submit your postproject analysis paper. In addition to polishing the sections covered in the three milestones (ATTACHED), conclude your project by completing the procurement, project management practices, and conclusion sections as outlined in the rubric document. The 3 milestones and this section (along with the references) will all be put into 1 paper.

To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document (ATTACHED).

  1. Procurement options
    1. Evaluate the procurement options selected for the project, and identify missed procurement opportunities.
    2. Discuss the contract types used and why they were chosen.
    3. Determine what modifications are needed to employ the best contract type options for this project, providing reasoning.
  2. Efficient Project Management Practices
    1. Analyze how well the project manager implemented project principles.
    2. Determine how you would have handled the project differently as a project manager, providing reasoning, including any ethical or moralinefficiencies that should have been called out by the PM.
  3. Synthesize your findings in a conclusion through the evaluation of the overall success or failure of the project based on the application of the 10 knowledge areas and five process groups of project management.
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