This week, you will submit a formal outline for your argumentative research paper, which is due next week. To help you think about outlines, you will read one of two readings, answer a critical question about it, and then apply the author’s ideas to how you will plan your paper. Finally, you will review three sample outlines and decide which to use for your paper.

First, for this discussion, choose one of the following two readings and answer the associated question (100+ words). Be sure to quote and cite from the reading in your response:

  • Option 1 – Tannen, D. (2014). Sex, lies and conversation: Why is it so hard for men and women to talk to each other? In G.H. Muller (Ed.), The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines pp. 117-122. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • p. 122, “Writing,” Question 3: Writing an Argument: Tannen states, “Once the problem is understood, improvement comes naturally.” Argue for or against this position.
  • Option 2 – Gekernter, D. (2014). Unplugged: The myth of computers in the classroom. In G.H. Muller (Ed.), The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines pp. 212-215. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • p. 214, “Rhetoric,” Question 3; The essay has a three-part structure, each section divided by space. How would you characterize the purpose of each section? How does the author use transitions to move from one section to the next?

Second, consider how the author’s argument applies to your writing. What points can you apply, especially when it comes to planning or outlining your paper? (100+ words)

Third, review the three versions of outlines for writing. Explore the merits of each type of outline. Identify which version you believe would most support your intended major writing assignment for this course. (100+ words)


  • In 100-150 words, respond to two peers’ main posts. Examine whether each post clearly supports the peer’s ideas about the merits of each outline and the choice of outline format for the intended major writing assignment. Offer your ideas as to other ways of seeing the value in one or more of the proposed outline formats.


  • Main post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 PM Eastern. No credit will be awarded for late posts without instructor approval.
  • Peer posts should be posted on a different day from the main post and no later than Sunday at 11:59 PM Eastern.
  • Use objective point of view only rather than subjective. (See page G-8 for an explanation.)
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