I’m looking for an essay surround modern popular culture and the affects of Gender and Sexuailty. Specificaly focused on the transgender community and any film,tv,music, or influencers you find that fits these areas.

This week’s Milestone asks you to select one more popular culture artifact. Remember that there should be no more than two artifacts from the same category with three overall.

The categories are:

  • Film
  • Episodic moving image (TV shows—may be broadcast or streamed)
  • Music
  • Music videos
  • Fashion
  • Advertising
  • Animation (general animation/cartoons such as Disney or Warner Brothers or genre-specific animation such as Japanese anime)
  • Food
  • Printed material (books, magazines, manga, comic books, or graphic novels)

To prepare:

  • Choose a new popular culture artifact, your third, to include in your Final Project analysis. This element should be current
  • (within the last 5 years) and relate to the issue you have chosen.
  • Consider how this new popular culture artifact defines or disrupts “normal.”

Submit a 400- to 500-word essay that analyzes how your chosen artifact of popular culture relates to society’s values. Explain how this new popular culture artifact defines or disrupts “normal.” Evaluate whether this artifact of popular culture has changed society’s values. Be sure to include:

  • At least one reference to a news site.
  • At least two other academically relevant sources.

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