Article Review Grading

  1. Neatness & Grammar ( supment both the article and your work brinted virion the articlae 10%
    1. Organized & easily read
    2. Layout
    3. Spelling/grammar
  1. Preparedness15%
    1. Was the paper well read
      1. Time was taken to read the paper thoroughly
    2. Was clarification sought where needed
      1. Did you do some work on fully understanding the paper
    3. Terms that were not clear were operationally defined
      1. Looked up key terms to understand them
  2. Overview of Paper15%
    1. Was a good overview of what the article was about provided
    2. Similar to a summary (abstract) but put in your own (simple) words; not repeating the abstract.
  3. CRITIQUE of Introduction20%
    1. Components of introduction were discussed in terms of being present/absent
    2. Components were analyzed / critiqued
  4. CRITIQUE of Methods10%
    1. Components of methods were discussed in terms of being present/absent
    2. Components were analyzed / critique
  5. CRITIQUE of Results10%
    1. Components of results were discussed in terms of being present/absent
    2. Components were analyzed / critiqued
  6. CRITIQUE of Discussion20%
    1. Components of discussion were discussed in terms of being present/absent
    2. Components wer
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