Pre-Reading: Food Waste in Your Household
- Due by Thursday, 11:59pm
We are starting Project 2 this week. This project centers on the subject of food waste.
Step One: Answer the following questions in a journal response about your own experiences.
Part 1:
- Describe the grocery shopping process in your household? Who does the shopping? Where? How many times a week?
- What are some of the most common/popular items in your fridge?
- Which items from your fridge do you find that you end up throwing away most often? Why do you think they are not consumed?
- How many times a week do you and your family eat out?
- Do you eat out or eat in more often?
Part 2:
- What percentage of food do you think the average household wastes? The United States as a whole?
- Why do you think people end up wasting food?
- How can we work to waste less food?
Step Two:
Submit your assignment by clicking on the Submit Assignment tab on the top right of your screen. For this assignment, you can type straight into the text box or you can attach a doc, docx, or pdf document.
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