write a 3- to 4-page paper in which the following items are addressed:
Give an overview of the findings from this Session Long Project mini-research study in the following way:
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of the “mixed methods” approach in general, and as related to research in Education, as illustrated by the “mini” study (with the concentration on the qualitative component)?
- Which factors would should be taken account before considering a qualitative component in the dissertation research? (Refer to the process and findings of the “mini” study, as well as all the module background readings.).
- Demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the overall Session Long Project assignment by bringing theories and principles from all five modules’ readings and assignments to the final SLP discussion.
Once the 3-4 page essay is complete which will be considered as SLP 5. Merge the Module 5 SLP essay to the revised/edited Module 1-4 SLP essays and submit to together as a cohesive unit. Follow the APA format and style requirements. Include an APA-formatted reference list. Include an introductory paragraph that states the purpose of the Module 5 SLP assignment.
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