it is a 25 page research paper. There are three parts of the essays – 1.Research Question and Statement, 2. Statement of Methodology, 3.Annotated Bibliography. If you help me with the this part, I will pay you to help me with the last part in the future. You must promise me to help me with the three parts then I can have a whole paper from one person.

I attached the sample paper for you for reference. Please see how a research paper is like. I also attached the part 1 which I completed already, please make a connection of part 1 and part 2

please help mw with part two in this assignment: Statement of Methodology which is not more than 4 pages

Topic is death penalty

Statement of Methodology: This assignment consists of two parts:

1. Research design: Students should submit a detailed write-up of their final research design proposal. This should include the exact methods you intend to use, the strengths and weaknesses of these methods, and the ethical issues, if there are any, that your research raises. In addition, you should describe (not list) the themes, topics, and questions your research is designed to answer and a justification for why these themes, topics, etc, help you to uncover the answer to your research given in assignment #1. There should be at least 2 citations in this section indicating that you have done some reading on your chosen research method. This should be no more than four pages.

2. Research instruments: In addition to the four page discussion of research methods, you should also provide at this time your research instruments—i.e. the interview protocol, questionnaire or participant observation schedule. If you are going to use a questionnaire or a qualitative interview, this should be attached to the design proposal with a brief discussion of what the chosen instrument will help you to understand (these are not included in the page limit).

If the research is time sensitive and students would like to complete the research earlier, students should arrange to go over the final methods proposal earlier with their instructor.

More information about research design, types, etc, can be found here: More information about how to conduct research, types of research and research questions can be found here:

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