My company is Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp (CTHS).
Analyze your company’s Proxy Statement and Corporate Governance Policies
General guidelines: An approximate 2pg analysis of the proxy. Please keep in mind that one of the primary reasons for reviewing the proxy is to assess the caliber of management. To that end, shareholder and management incentive alignment is very important so please include:
- Management / BOD Backgrounds
- Salary
- Incentive Comp and what it’s linked to
- Options, Grants, Restricted Stock Units, Warrants, Sweetheart Deals (Conflicts of Interest)
- Analysis of Corporate Governance Policies (consult Thompson One database)
One goal of this assignment is to gain an understanding for the incentives that will be driving management behavior inside your company. For some more context you can reference the following Podcast from the Motley Fool. It’s a good example of the type of analysis and insight that is expected of you as a Financial Analyst: Motley Fool Industry Focus – Stock Based Comp.mp3 (Attached)
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