This section requires you to review your upper-level course work 3000-level and above.
Think about what classes you took and what accomplished in them. The successful Curriculum section is about showing rather than just telling. This is your time to show off your best work, focusing on particular skills. For example, pick an assignment (project or paper) where you did a particularly strong job. Fully describe your work. Prove that you can do what you say you can do. This involves making the important distinction AWAY from just a list of your courses and what you did in them—to who you are as a professional and a creative problem solver.
As you list and discuss your advanced course work, you’ll give your readers a glimpse into (1) what you know, as well as what skills you have developed (2) how you have met (or can meet) challenges, (3) how you can help others.
Curriculum Section Examples are provided.
How to get started writing your Curriculum Section
Step 1. Hold a copy of your transcript in front of you and highlight the classes that were most meaningful to you and the ones where you feel you did your best work. You may be able to recall the classes you want to discuss from memory. But most students benefit from a careful review of their academic transcript.
Step 2. Review the examples of Curriculum sections provided in these instructions. The writers have approached the task with different strategies. You can use these examples to guide you and you may also want to consider working from a more formal template.
Step 3. Here is a formal template so you can see what each entry does in sharing the story of your academic journey with readers.
- Heading: Provide the reader with an informative subheading, usually either the complete name of the course. Not this: Chem Glassblowing But this: CHM 4090L Introduction to Scientific Glassblowing OR the type of project or paper produced. EX: Spatial Ability and OCHEM Research Presentation
- Body paragraph opening sentences that provide context for what follows : The first sentences should summarize the course content. This information can be found online in the FIU course catalogue. EX: In this class, where the emphasis was on making and repairing of scientific glassware, I learned Basic glassblowing operations with glass tubing and rod.
- The story or example that shows why this course/project/paper matters to you. Here you might share insights, achievements and/or surprises: The next sentences should tell a story about skills or knowledge you acquired or shared. EX: As I worked in the glassblowing lab, I learned more about precision than I expected to. The way getting things exactly right in procedure, measurements, materials, and temperature matters is something I will never forget and that I will bring to my future work in other areas. We didn’t guess and make approximations. We had to get things precisely right. I worked harder for an A in this class than in most of the other classes I have ever taken, etc.
- Introduce artifacts shared in the appendix: If you are including an artifact from this class in your appendix, you may want to mention it at this point. EX: My appendix includes a picture of my final project for the class.
- Explain how this course/project/paper will help you to advance your plans for the future: Finish by explaining how you will transfer your skills and knowledge into other areas of your academic or professional life. EX: When I explain to employers and graduate program admissions officers what is special about me, I will tell that I am a meticulous person who notices and manages details, even in high-stress situations and I’ll use my achievements in the glassblowing class as proof.
Be sure to review the Curriculum Section Specifications Checklist and Grading Rubric before getting started.
Curriculum Section Draft Rubric 2019
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDocument Specs |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProofreading |
10.0 pts |
Total Points: 50.0 |
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