Test drive the user interfaces for each of the listed sites. Sample test actions have been provided as a guide, but are not inclusive or required.

A. Retail and Shopping: Walmart, Amazon

Sample the action prompts below to perform on each of the websites provided above:

  1. Find multiple items and add them to your cart in different quantities
  2. Remove/adjust quantities
  3. Continue shopping
  4. Search for alternate items from the like options
  5. Read the customer reviews

Using the guidelines presented in Chapter 8, specifically outline and discuss what makes each of your selected sites a quality user interface design or an inferior user interface design for its intended purpose.

In responding to two of your peers, state your concurrence or non-concurrence with the supporting points for what makes each site a good user interface. Include references to the user interface guidelines as required to support your response.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

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