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Discussion 7:In terms of network security, what should organizational management allow and what should they block?


Network security management allows the administrator to manage a network consisting of physical and virtual firewalls in a central location. Administrators need network security management solutions to gain high visibility into network behaviors, automate device configuration, enforce global policies, view firewall traffic, create a unique interface for managing and reporting, and manage them.

Organizations now face threats against their information assets. At the same time, they are increasingly dependent on these assets. The rapid increase in the size and complexity of organizational networks will soon be the way forward for manual management. Most information systems are not inherently secure and technical solutions are only part of the holistic approach to information security. In recent years, a number of tools have been developed to automate this process. Establishing information security requirements is essential. However, organizations need to understand their unique threat environment. There are tools that allow to scan networks with multiple vulnerabilities and scan for attacks. In that network security after network security management. (Utz, L. (2018))

In network security organizational management allow :

1. First of all they have to setup a local firewall to prevent some trojans and backdoors.

2. They must install a descent antivirus to prevent from sort of viruses.

3. They must apply authentication and authorization for their services on the basis of layers, that who can access certain stuff, in which some authentication method will be there, like password protection to each user, so particular user if has rights to access then only he or she can.

4. They also has to block some sites which provoke viruses, on the basis of their content.

Saving only the work related data in the network.Complex passwords has to be encouraged. Use network and virus protection tools Provide two step authentication Block. saving employees personal information. Simple passwords has to be blocked intimate the employee the consequences of it. Don’t allow to disclose the company’s sensitive information. (Liu, J. (2018, August)


Organizational management plays a very integral role in the promotion of better delivery and achievement of optimal network security levels. The rationale for the above ideology can be explained from the fact that in as much as best policies guarantee better performance, users of computers and network systems must be closely monitored to ensure that their approach in work does not jeopardize the efforts of the organization in improving network security (Stewart, 2014). In light of the above, there are a number of things that organizational management may allow or block to ensure that network security levels are efficiently optimized.

For instance, management could allow access to the server room. This is because it is important to have an expert, or a team or expert with ready access to the server room in case of the occurrence of any emergency concerning the security of information. However, leaving the server room open should be blocked. That is, it is fundamental that the server room stays locked up and is only accessible by the authorized personnel – all other employees in the organization, without clearance to enter the server room, should be blocked. Notably, the server room stands out as the literal heart of the network security in a given organization and unauthorized access to switches, cables, routers, and the servers, among others, may result to destructive tampering (Kartch, 2017).

The management may allow the employees to bring their own devices to work. More so, they might be allowed the freedom to access any online resoruces using the corporate internet network. However, the above two workplace conveniences are countered with the disallowance of a few related practices. For instance, the management should block the use of home network for work purposes. The reason for the above is because the firewall robustness for the home network cannot be matched with that of the workplace, it is easier for hackers to take that advantage and use it as a loophole to enter into the corporate network system. Additionally, management should ensure that unused computers in the workstation are always disconnected or removed from the systems since they pose as easy entry points for intruders.

Discussion 4:Provide an example based on your professional experience of what motivate hackers to attack computer networks?

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