Prepare a Power Point Presentation : 14 slides

Please attach notes to each power point slide for my speech presentation.

The ethical issues power point presentation will address an ethical issue( Use of extra embryos after invitro Fertilization) associated with the practice of nursing. The issue will be assigned to the students with a partner to be presented via Bb collaborate and on an assigned date and time.

The ethical issue I have to address is : Use of extra embryos after invitro Fertilization

The student should address the following:

1. Define the scope of the ethical issue.

2. Examine the scope of the issue as it relates to nursing and principles identified in codes of ethics.

3. Identify at least 2 positions taken on this issue by scholarly experts in the ethics discipline.

4. Explore the future for the issue as it relates to nursing practice.

Grading Criteria for the Ethical Issue Essay:

Definition and scope of the ethical issue 20%

Scope of the issue related to the nursing profession 20% Positions on the issue by scholarly experts 20%

Exploration of the future for the issue related to healthcare and nursing practice 20%

Organization and presentation skills 20%

Total 100%

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