1.What is the value of the Supreme Court to constitutional law? What would be different about the judicial system without the Supreme Court? How does it influence civil liberties? Choose one case from the United States Supreme Courts website. Explain the impact of the outcome. What do you think would be the impact of the decision if the court ruled the opposite way?

Submission Format:

The basic format for the essays will be a minimum of five paragraphs in length. Provide APA citations for all references used.

There is no maximum page length requirement. Wikipedia is not considered an appropriate source of academic reference. Essays and the research paper will be examined for grammar, punctuation, and composition as well as content. The greater the knowledgeable content the better the grade.

Understand the expectations for all academic papers. Create your own work, provide adequate attribution for all claims and statements, and do not plagiarize. Please remember that plagiarism is defined in dictionaries as the wrongful appropriation of another’s thoughts, ideas, or expressions, and then representing them as one’s own original work. All work submitted is reviewed by a plagiarism detection program.

2. Should all forms of symbolic expression be protected by the 1st Amendment?


This is a short pass/fail activity to gauge your understanding of the module content. Fully explain your response and include supporting evidence from the assigned module readings. Be sure to cite properly to avoid plagiarism.

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