What’s This Lesson All About?

Fast talking sales people, shooting from the hip, is an image many of us have. TV, movies and other media have helped cement that stereotype. When was the last time you saw a sales rep professionally delivering a presentation? The truth, however, is that professional sales people spend considerable time preparing their presentations in advance of meeting with their prospects. These presentations are typically customized to the client’s needs, the people in attendance, and a host of other factors. This lesson looks at developing professional sales dialogue skills.

Module Presentation and Demonstration Image Divider

Sales Presentations 1/9 – How to Deliver an Effective Sales Presentation – Sales Process (链接到外部网站。)

The BEST Sales Presentations are Not Presentations (链接到外部网站。)

Find an article related to sales presentations. The article should be long enough, probably 2-3 pages minimum, so that you can write a 1-2 page summary of the article (Word doc.), double spaced, relating key points to the lesson. The last paragraph of your summary should be your own personal thoughts about the subject matter in the article. Include the article title and where you found the article (example: Yahoo news, Rolling Stone Magazine, etc.).Grading will be based on the rubric or grading guide below.

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