JW 521



Welcome to JWI 521!

Throughout the course, you will be asked to reflect on your organization’s Human Capital Management protocols and practices. That doesn’t mean you need to be an HR professional but having insight into your organization’s HR structure will be helpful. As you think about this week’s discussion question, I’d like you to think about Talent Management practices in particular:

1. Talent Acquisition – Employment branding, sourcing, interviewing, selecting and on-boarding employees

2. Talent Development – Training and professional development for employees

3. Organizational Effectiveness – Behavioral assessments, performance management, diversity and inclusion, and employee retention.



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How to Hire

Patty McCord writes: “Making great hires is about recognizing great matches – and often they’re not what you’d expect.”

In your experience, does this quote ring true? Describe an example of a hire you were involved in that supports your position. You may have been the HR recruiter, the hiring manager, part of an interview team, or the candidate. Explain clearly what made the hire expected or unexpected.

In addition, comment on whether or not the workforce strategy of your organization aligns with the mission. If not, what can they do differently?



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Assessment Techniques

In Chapter 5, Bock describes his preferred interview process, which involves “combining behavioral and situational structured interviews with assessments of cognitive ability, conscientiousness, and leadership.” Give two reasons why you agree or disagree with his position on candidate assessment.

JWI 556



As for our first week together, we are going to be dealing with and exploring how we would identify any changes we would implement in our organization and why our organizational changes might come up short. Also, we’ll be looking at those ‘psychological drivers’ that might impede our change initiatives as an organization or us individually.

We’re also going to be looking at the needs for change and change leadership, John Kotter’s eight-stage process for leading change and how we look at the failure of our change efforts.

I look forward to reading your sharing through your discussions.



Taking a Look in the Mirror

Share an example of a significant change initiative that you were involved in at your current or former workplace.

  • What roles and responsibilities did you have in the change initiative?
  • Were you an eager supporter, neutral/passive, or an active resister of the change?
  • What influenced your support or resistance to the change? Think about factors like:
    • The people leading the change
    • The communication and messaging about the change
    • The personal impact on your career
    • Your beliefs about whether the change was needed and/or appropriate
  • Was the change initiative successful or not?
  • What were some key factors that led to the outcomes?



Ready, Set, Go

This week we explored the first three stages of Kotter’s model. In terms of “people first” change initiatives that HR could lead, comment on the following:

  • Which of Kotter’s first three stages is the most challenging? Why?
  • What role do early adopters play in the success of change initiatives?
  • What are the benefits, challenges, and limitations of establishing a Guiding Coalition of HR leaders to drive organizational change?
  • Based on our readings this week, and drawing from your own experiences, what are the characteristics of the people you should engage to form a Guiding Coalition?
  • What were some key factors that led to the outcomes?

JWI 522



Elevating the HR Function

In Chapter 1 of The Talent Masters, Conaty and Charan recount a story about “Sue” that illustrates how a strong alignment between HR and senior leadership should work. They follow this example with an outline of 7 principles which are critical to developing talent and earning HR a “seat at the table.”

After reading this story and reflecting on the principles, answer the following questions:

  • How well do these 7 principles, if properly implemented, address the concerns raised in this week’s readings? Cite specific examples to support your position.
  • Rank these 7 principles from 1 (easiest) to 7 (most difficult), based on how easily a company could implement them. Explain the rationale for your rankings.
  • If you had to choose just one of these principles that would have the greatest positive impact on your own organization, which would it be and why?



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Aligning Talent Development with Business Operations

A core theme in our readings this week is the importance of a close relationship between HR and the operation of the business. In The Talent Masters, Conaty and Charan illustrate this with the example how GE dealt with the unexpected resignation of a senior executive. In Powerful, McCord emphasizes that every single employee has to understand the business.

  • Does your organization have any practices similar to “C Sessions” to support succession planning and strategy execution? If so, explain how these are implemented and what is and is not working well. If not, what value would such sessions add?
  • How can companies with talent development practices that are significantly different from the C-Session model ensure strong alignment between the HR function and the Mission, Values, and Strategy of the business?

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Moving Beyond the Numbers – Know Your Employees

People Analytics has become a hot topic recently. Companies such as Google have made great strides in the use of data to guide their hiring and promotion decisions.

  • How does your organization integrate “hard” and “soft” metrics when assessing performance and placement/promotion opportunities?
  • How can HR and business-unit leaders strike the right balance between data analysis and authentic knowledge of employees in order to build a strong workforce?
  • Include examples from the course materials as well as your own experience to support your position.

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