Take a look at the websites of the company that interest you. You might need to first click a tab such as “Corporate” or “Our Company” to access an area of the company’s website that will provide information on the company itself. Then, look for an area of the website that relates to social responsibility. If you do not see the phrase “Social Responsibility,” you might see other phrases such as “Our Values,” “Sustainability,” “Our vision,” or “Our philosophy” or “Ethics.”

If you cannot find anything on the company’s website that relates to corporate social responsibility (CSR), you should Google the company’s name and the above terms (one at a time) to see if you can find the section of the website that discusses such issues. If you cannot find anything, you should select a different company. Similarly, if you cannot identify a social responsibility issue that you feel that company is facing, you should select a different company. You will need to have a body of evidence to analyze from a particular company’s website in order to fulfill the assignments for this essay. You should choose a big, multi-national corporation so that you will be able to research that corporation further, rather than choosing a small, local business.

1. What is the company you have chosen and what is the social responsibility issue that your company is experiencing? Examples of social responsibility issues are: workers’ rights, ethics and marketing, ethical handing of new technology, gender discrimination, environmental impact, etc. The particular issue you choose has to be relevant to your company.

2. Website Analysis

When you visit your chosen company’s website, your goal is to arrive at an answer to this question:

What do you notice about your company’s approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR) that you think is interesting?

Here is a list of questions you should consider to help get you into a frame of mind where you will notice something interesting about your company’s approach to social responsibility. Please type what you notice about the following categories, including specific evidence and interpretation of each. While I want you to address each category, not all of the sub-questions will be relevant. The questions are there to help get you started.


What do you notice about the language your company uses to discuss its social responsibility?

–Does your company have its own term for CSR (such as global citizenship)?

What do you think about your company’s use of such a term?

–Does your company seem defensive?

–Does your company seem idealistic?

–What mood is created by the language your company uses?


What do you notice about the images your company includes in its CSR section?


What do you notice about what your company tends to emphasize in its CSR section?

–Does your company tend to put a lot of emphasis on one area of CSR and not enough on other areas?

–What “blind spot” do you think your company may have?

–Does your company seem to have a bizarre, controversial, or limited perspective on what CSR is?


Do you notice any conflicts between your company’s approach to CSR and the products it makes?

–Do you think your company is aware of any conflicts that you noticed? Why? Why not?


What assumptions does your company seem to make about CSR?


What else strikes you that may not fit into any of the above categories?

Length: 1 1/2 pages double-spaced


My topic

The company of my focus will be the construction industry. However You will need to choose a specific company for this.

Compare and contrast the arguments made by Steve Lohr and Eduardo Porter in the two articles you read this week. How are their arguments similar? How are they different?

The two writers talk about different forms of business and how they affect the life of an entrepreneur. The main aim of a company is to make a profit. The reason why a person decides to start a business varies with their goal for their business, such as to meet their dream careers, gain wealth, and some for leisure. All in all, they are targeting getting a profit that will improve their living standards. They also talk about ways to ensure businesses succeed. Lohr says that the knowledge of competition in the line of business will help to improve the performance of the market by adopting strategies that will help the company avoid it. On the other hand, Eduardo suggests that the relationship a person has with their customers will determine the success of the company.

In what ways are the two TED talks by Michael Porter and Wendy Woods similar and different?

The two speakers talk about the importance of business. To improve the economy of the country, people should stop waiting to get employed in companies, but instead, they should think of the business they would start that will give them high profits. Despite people being well educated, there are shortages of jobs in countries, and thus, one should consider starting a business that will help them in their lives,’ lack of skill is a great source of the problem experienced today’(Michael). ‘The problem is selecting the right business’ (Wendy). ‘Avoiding accidents and environmental disasters will ensure good businesses’ (Michael). Considering the health of the people will also improve the performances of business since money used in hospitals is saved and used in business. ‘That the most successful government is that which support shared values in businesses’ (Michael).

What company and social responsibility issue have you decided to focus upon for Essay 3?

The company of my focus will be the construction industry. The issue presented is the lack of enough people with the required skills. The reason behind the problems is the idea people have of not choosing manual work. Most of the youths are interested in office work that does not involve much work. The construction companies are facing significant challenges, such as lack of enough workers in the established industries

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