-Address Information Security and Compliance Issues

-Create Cloud Vendor Governance Strategy

-Perform an Impact Analysis

-Develop an Exit Strategy

Write the Final Policy Document Addendum

It is time to put everything together for the Cloud Adoption Policy Addendum. The addendum is designed to provide BallotOnline with a comprehensive IT policy that encompasses existing IT systems as well as their growth in the cloud infrastructure. The final document should be between eight and 10 pages.

At this point, you should have a better understanding of the cloud adoption strategy and how cloud adoption strategy differs from traditional IT adoption strategy. This knowledge differentiates you from a traditional IT professional and solidifies your standing in the ranks of cloud computing professionals. The accompanying Cloud Adoption Policy Addendum Template ( attachment CCA 630 Cloud Adoption Addendum Policy Template) can serve as a guide to make sure you have included all the elements. Complete your Cloud Adoption Policy Addendum and submit it via the dropbox below.

The Cloud Adoption Policy Addendum will enable you to consolidate the work that you have completed in the steps along with some additional elements (scope, executive summary, etc.) to create a comprehensive policy addendum. Sophia will present your work for approval at the executive meeting.

BallotOnline’s updated IT policy, which includes your cloud addendum, is important. You will reuse it in subsequent CCA courses, so save it where you can find it.

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them in your work.

  • 5.1: Evaluate the business IT needs of an organization.
  • 5.2: Propose strategies the organization can employ using cloud solutions to enhance organizational effectiveness.
  • 5.3: Evaluate cloud adoption as a viable solution based on cost benefits and desired outcomes.
  • 5.4: Articulate insights to leadership on the appropriate course of direction on the identified IT business needs.
  • 8.1: Assess liability issues associated with cloud adoption.
  • 8.3: Assess management and operational risks associated with cloud.
  • 9.1: Develop a plan for cloud implementation / migration.
  • 9.3: Develop documentation (plans, policies, and procedures) to support a cloud operation.
  • 11.7: Develop disaster recovery/business continuity plans.
  • 11.8: Prepare contingency plans when changing cloud providers or closing down a cloud architecture.
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