1. Title page – Title page.
2. Introduction – This section sets the scene for the project and should include the objective and scope, key research question (s) and the significance of the study. You should introduce the key issues you intend to discuss relating to the topic.
3. Addressing the question, discussion and analysis – You must address the question, focusing on analysis rather than merely describing. For the same reason, do not quote at length in short assignments. You may use a few juicy quotes; however it is better to use your limited word allowance for explanation, proof and analysis. In some cases diagrams, tables and charts may be useful in conveying information in a structured format – however this is your choice and do not let diagrams and tables overshadow your explanations and discussion. Keep them to a minimum if you use them at all.
4. Critical evaluation – Your project must reflect awareness that the topic can be analyzed in terms of different, sometimes conflicting theoretical frameworks. A very good project will be able to explain how and why a particular framework, or no given framework, is satisfactory in terms of the topic considered. A very good project is in this sense shows both an understanding of theories and an ability to critically assess them.
5. Originality and integrity – A brilliant project shows some degree of originality with integrity– it shows ability or a manifest attempt to push beyond the conclusions and views of the major readings in some way. This is not something that we necessarily do always and everywhere. However, when it’s there, based on truth and extensive research, it is a rare and special thing. On the other side of the spectrum, plagiarism will not be tolerated. Please refer to the university’s policy here.
6. Bibliography/ reference – Referencing is important. Scholarly references should be drawn upon – that is, articles and books that have been subject to extensive academic peer review. Wikipedia and other un-reviewed websites are not scholarly references. The exception to this is the use of a political or other policy document or media statement as a means of illustrating a particular political position or point of view. As a guide, select the “scholarly works” criterion on the library search engine under electronic resources. Please ensure to include the full references/links and the date that you accessed the sites/data bases.
7. Structure and clarity of expression – The introduction to a project sets the scene and should include the objective and scope, key research question (s) and the significance of the study. You should introduce the key issues you intend to discuss relating to the topic. In a well- structured project, each paragraph introduces a major point, provide relevant evidence or analysis to support or explain that point, and then round off that point.A strongly structured project can use each opening paragraph to link the previous point to the one being currently discussed. In this way, the project becomes a single, complex argument. By the time the reader reaches the conclusion, the essence of the argument should already be visible. Clear expression and correct spelling is required. Please note that you will lose marks for poor spelling, improper referencing etc.
8. Research effort and where relevant additional reading – This is a major piece of assessment. You are expected to both use the suggested readings and to go beyond these to find your own relevant readings.
CLO met by this assignment.
Dear students, As well as the Course Learning Objectives outlined in the Learning Guide, this assessment task has been designed to also meet the following CLOs. Your efforts to address these objectives are also part of the marking criteria. Please keep this in mind when carrying out your research and framing your responses.
1) Produce or justify an argument in a professional or enterprise context using relevant, discipline appropriate information.
2)Propose a well formulated solution to a professional or enterprise problem that considers wider professional or enterprise contexts
3) Evaluate economic, social and environmental enterprise and professional behaviour and make recommendations for responsible practice.
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