1. What was Walmart’s early global expansion strategy? Why did it choose to first enter Mexico and
Canada rather than expand into Europe and Asia?
2. What cultural problems did Walmart face in some of the international markets it entered? Which early
strategies succeeded and which failed? Why? What lessons did Walmart learn from its experience in
Germany and in Japan?
3. How would you characterize Walmart’s Latin America strategy? What countries were targeted as
part of this strategy? What potential does this region bring to Walmart’s future global expansion?
What cultural challenges and opportunities has Walmart faced in Latin America?
4. What group of countries will be targeted for Walmart’s future growth? What are the attractiveness
and risk profiles of these countries? What regions of the world do you think will be vital for
Walmart’s future global expansion?
5. How would you characterize Walmart’s response to pressure for greater ethics and social responsibilities
in its expansion strategy and supply chain? Are its responses appropriate and adequate?
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