Hello! This paper needs to be 4-5 pages, and by using the book: Race, Class, and Gender in the United States: An Integrated Study, 10thh Edition, by Paula S. Rothenberg, Worth Publishers, (New York: 2016). The parts of the book that can be used are: Part I, Chapters 1 2 3 8 9 and 10, Part II, Chapters 1 2 3 5 6 9 and 10 and Part III, Chapters 1-7, and Part IV, Chapters 1-8. Not all should be used, only a few writing about a girl, Armenian/Middle eastern, Christian, heterosexual, 20 years old. Here are the direct instructions:

This project consists of a series of exercises, which ask you to think about the ways in which your everyday life is personally affected by race, class and gender or disability.You will write one short paper (4-5 pages double-spaced) focusing on one of these power dimensions.There are three components to the paper that I will be evaluating: description, definition, and application).

  • Write one to three paragraphs describing an event in your life that was pivotal to your identity formation with regard to race, class, or gender.Perhaps it was especially confusing, but now you have a better sense of the event since taking this class. (Label this part of the paper “event”) ONE event will do though you may have had many experiences/events you can potentially write about. Focus on ONE event and clearly describe the details. Do indicate whether your event connects with either gender, race, class, sexuality or ability etc.
  • Write one to three paragraphs in which you outline, clarify and define a concept from the course readings that you will later apply to the event.You should draw directly on the reading for this portion of the paper, citing a specific text including the author’s name, year and page number. A key concept/term is usually one or a few words i.e. patriarchy or racial terrorism etc. (Label this part of the paper “concept”)

3)Write one to three paragraphs in which you analyze the event for the ways in which gender race, class or sexuality is a learned and transmitted cultural production, that is read on the body, that shapes our lives in certain ways, using whatever concept you define in section 2 above. (Label this part of the paper “analysis”). Basically, with this section you are analyzing your event using the key concept you have defined above.

4)Use in-paper citations with author and page numbers.

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