Module 4 – SLP

Visionary leadership and the tribe

Visionary leaders plow through their days with a sharp focus on the future. They know exactly where they want to take their organizations and teams, and they often know exactly how they want to accomplish it.

SLP Assignment Expectations

For the final SLP, please address, in a 2- to 3-page paper (not counting the title page or reference section), the following:

  1. Research and find two different visionary leaders with very different approaches to visionary leadership.
  2. Discuss the impact of the different brands of visionary leadership on the tribal stage of each organization.
  3. Discuss the differences between the two approaches and offer your thoughts on why one approach yields a different tribal stage and mindset than the other.
  4. Describe, in detail, three things that each leader could do to move his/her organization from its current tribal stage to the next one up.
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