Answer each question minimum 300 words. Must use provided material (PDF book) along with (2) other sources to help answer questions. Reference/site in APA format. Here is the reference for the PDF: Karmen, A. (2016). Crime victims: an introduction to victimology (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. WILL EXTEND TIME LIMIT ADDITIONAL 6 HOURS IF NEEDED.

1.) Find out from insurance company’s websites or other internet sources the makes, models, and years of the top ten vehicles most often stolen in your state and in your nearest metropolitan area. Chart your results.

2.) Read the auto theft paragraph in box 5.1 on page 141 of your text. Do you agree or disagree with the author? Give the rationale for your stance.

3.) As a victim rights advocate, draw up a comprehensive checklist of all the victim oriented services that could and should be offered by user friendly police departments.

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