Draft of Introduction and Literature Review
Follow the directions below for the completion of the introduction and literature review draft assignment for Unit IV. If you have questions, please email your professor for assistance.
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to begin drafting your academic argumentative research paper.
Description: In this assignment, you will first write your literature review; then, you will write your introduction. Please see “Lesson 4: The Introduction” for details on why it is suggested that you begin the drafting process with the literature review instead of the introduction. The following details are requirements of the assignment:
- Introduction (9-12 well-developed sentences/approximately 350 words): For more details about what is expected for each of the following sentences, please see “Lesson 4: The Introduction.” You may also want to review the “Example Introduction and Literature Review (with comments).” The following components must be included in the introduction (in the following order).
- Sentence 1: Introduce the general topic
- Sentence 2: Pro side (general)
- Sentence 3: Con side (general)
- Sentence 4: Narrow the scope (1)
- Sentence 5: Examples of the narrowed topic
- Sentence 6: Narrow the scope (2)
- Sentence 7: Specific controversy
- Sentence 8: Pro side (specific)
- Sentence 9: Con side (specific)
- Sentence 10: The thesis
- Literature Review (800-900 words): For details about the structure of the literature review, you will want to review “Lesson 3: The Literature Review: The Process.” You may also want to review the “Example Introduction and Literature Review (with comments).” The link is below.
- Literature review preface: This paragraph acts as a guide to what the reader can expect in the literature review.
- Literature review body: This section includes three to four body paragraphs that discuss the history, terminology, and both sides of the controversy (pro and con).
- Literature review conclusion: The conclusion signals that the literature review is ending, but it also acts as a kind of preface for the body of the paper by restating the thesis statement and establishing your argument once again.
- Demonstrate how to summarize and paraphrase source materials.
- Demonstrate the avoidance of plagiarism through proper use of APA citations and references for all paraphrased and quoted material.
This goes with this assignment
Medical MarijuanaMarijuana has been a drug that is known to the world for many years. The drug is mostly used for recreation by many people around the world,and it getsconsumed through inhaling the smoke or fumes produced by burning the drug. The drug remains to be illegalin the majority of the countries in the world,and governments have strict laws against the position of this drug. In recent times,however, there have been countries that have moved to decriminalize the drug and even allow for the use of the drug for medical purposes. The argument on the benefits and disadvantages of such a move has been ongoing especially in America where some states and the federal government do not agree on these issues. Medical marijuana should be legalized in all places, as the advantages of the process are many more compared to the disadvantages.Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option?For those supporting the idea, the first thing that they point to is that medical marijuana can help in the treatment of chronic pain and seizures(Pacula & Smart, 2017). There has been evidence that many patients get treatmentover the years through the use of medical marijuana have shown betterresultscompared to other drugs that are allowed in the pharmaceutical industry. Second, they argue that the drug is a plant-based drug that can quickly producethe same way many other plant-based drugs getcreated for the medical industry. The drug is also one that could help serve as an alternative to the opioid-based medicines that have caused a major opioid crisis in America. Cannabis has also been part of medical treatment for many centuries,and this is proven by ancient history that shows it was used successfully as medicine. Lastly, it is illegal to consider the life or health of a person to be a crime,and by incriminating the drug, the federal law makes the process of treating people to be an illegal process.
RESEARCH PPROPOSAL 3On the other hand, someargue that the Food and Drug Administrationhas never approved cannabis to be able to treat any medical condition. Itis a factor that shows that there has been no scientific evidence that the drug can be used for the full treatment of patients suffering from any specific condition. The lack of data proving the ability for treatment has also been notable,and this is a factor that has affected the ability of the government to approve the drug(Powell, Pacula, & Jacobson, 2018). There is also the risk of increasing the amount of marijuana that is traded illegally as the production is likely to increase considerably. The processmay lead the drug to be agate way drug that can lead to more people using other illegal drugs in the long term.Thesis StatementMedical marijuana should be legalized in all places, as the advantages of the process are many more compared to the disadvantages.
RESEARCH PPROPOSAL 4ReferencesPacula, R. L., & Smart, R. (2017). Medical marijuana and marijuana legalization.Annual review of clinical psychology,13, 397-419.Powell, D., Pacula, R. L., & Jacobson, M. (2018). Do medical marijuana laws reduce addictions and deaths related to pain killers?.Journal of health economics,58, 29-42
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