Innovation Design and Prototyping

Development plan (CO7)

This week’s assignment applies everything you learned. In a presentation (visual and audio, create a visual with narration), explain the following:

Stage of development your idea is in

  • Stage of development your idea is in
  • Your product is revolutionary or evolutionary and why
  • Perceptual map

Product’s attributes

  • Product’s attributes
  • Differentiation and branding
  • Prototype
  • Philosophy to meet the user’s needs
  • Your vision and goals

Your options for a visual include, but are not limited to:

  • PowerPoint
  • Prezi
  • Screencast-o-matic
  • Include a minimum of one scholarly source
  • Presentation of 5-7 minutes (visual and audio)
  • Format your paper according to APA guidelines

My product description: My product is going to be called the ‘DIY K-9 KIT’. The DIY K-9 KIT will be packaged to be assembled by the customer, sold as a kit that’s packaged nicely. The kit includes a ramp (for endurance and stability), weave cones (to run between and through for agility and strength), tunnel (to run through as part of the course for training and discipline), treat bag (to be rewarded when commands are met), shock collar (to simply grab the attention of the dog, not hurting the pup in any way) and a command platform (to sit on when told, awaiting further instruction from the owner). A study-guide booklet will also be included in the packaging, teaching the customer step by step instructions on how to train your dog. Also available for purchase is an APP you can download on your smart phone allowing the customer 24-hour access to a professional trainer. Included inside the packaging will be a pamphlet explaining how the APP works, along with subscription details. It will also include a tracker option to see your dog’s progress, marking goals and timelines along the way that have been completed. The APP will include the first week free, then the customer will have the option to purchase the subscription on a monthly basis.

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