Minimum Length: 1,200 words
Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt
Choose a subject that you can both evaluate and make a confident judgment about. Write an essay evaluating this subject. State your judgment clearly and back it up with reasons and support. Describe the subject for readers unfamiliar with it, and give them a context for understanding it. Your purpose is to convince readers that your judgment is informed and based on generally accepted standards for this kind of subject.
Topic ideas:
– A film or group of films by a single director or actor
– A hit song or music CDopy
– A live or videotaped concert or theatrical performance
– A magazine or newspaper
– A book
– A club or organized activity
– A contemporary political movement
– A proposed or existing law
– A noteworthy person
– An artist, a writer or his or her works
– A website
– A particular product or brand
– An article or an essay
May be notebook can help you with your job. And please do this job by yourself.
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