I. Prepare a cohesive response in which you:

  • Describe a work environment or situation that you consider to be positive and what aspects stand out as making it that way.
  • Describe a work environment or scenario where you have observed some negative aspects and the impact those have.
  • Describe the role that a manager has in creating a healthy and positive environment. Provide an example from your own experience of specific actions or behaviors that you observed in a manager who nurtured a positive work environment.
  • Explain the steps that a manager could take when there are things that are making the environment toxic. Provide examples to illustrate.
  • Explain the steps individual employees can take to build a healthy and positive work culture.
  • References for question 1.

    Lindberg, P., & Vingård, E. (2012). Indicators of healthy work environments – a systematic review. Work, 41, 3032-3038.

    Ramesh, G., & Vasuki, K. (2013). Addressing employee’s underperformance by nurturing a positive work environment. Journal of Commerce & Management Thought, 4(1), 55–69.

    Smits, K. (2017). An invisible constraint: Don’t overlook the power of organizational culture. Here’s how to nurture a positive environment. PM Network, 31(5), 24.

    TEDx Talks. (2016, May 2). How to start changing an unhealthy work environment | Glenn D. Rolfsen | TEDxOslo [Video file]. Retrieved from

    The five most common types of conflict in the workplace. (n.d.). Retrieved July 12, 2017, from https://www.umes.edu/cms300uploadedFiles/5TypesofC…

    TheTableGroup. (2013, February 6). The four disciplines of a healthy organization [Video file]. Retrieved from

    II. Prepare a cohesive response in which you:

  • Reflect on a situation when you had to deal with a difficult person and the impact it had on you and on others.
  • Summarize a situation when you had to deal with a difficult person. (Note: Do not disclose names or details that might reveal someone’s identification.)
  • What did you do in this situation? What impact did your actions have?
  • After reading this week’s Learning Resources, describe what you learned about yourself and the other person, especially with regard to the actions that you took (or did not take) and why.
  • Explain what you might have done differently if you had different strategies in place and why.
  • How will you use what you have learned so far in this course and in this week’s resources about dealing with difficult individuals interactions in your role as a manager?
  • References for question 2.

    Lloyd, S. (2012). Managers must delegate effectively to develop employees: Planning can minimize poor performance. Social for Human Resource Management. Retrieved from https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/o…

    Mikkelsen, M. F., Jacobsen, C. B., Andersen, L. B. (2015). Managing employee motivation: Exploring the connections between managers’ enforcement actions, employee perceptions, and employee intrinsic motivation. International Public Management Journal 20(2), 183–205.

    TEDx Talks. (2012, April 30). How do I deal with a bully, without becoming a thug? | Scilla Elworthy | TEDxExeter [Video file]. Retrieved from

    TED. (2012). Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work? [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/dan_ariely_what_makes_us…

    TEDGlobal. (2009). Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/dan_pink_on_motivation

    Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, as well as other credible resources you have read; or what you have observed and experienced.

    General Guidance: Each question will typically be 3–4 paragraphs in length.

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