Unit 5 Scrummage Help File – individual Assignment- course 570

In this assignment, you will build a Help File for the Scrum Tool Scrummage. You will be added to the Scrummage tool by your instructor and will receive an email invitation prior this assignment beginning. While it is fairly intuitive interface, consider that you building this for a new student to SCRUM and that you need to provide as much detail as possible.

The Help File should be focused on “How to Use the Scrummage Tool” not on Scrum itself. You willhave to learn the tool and apply what you learned to build the help file.

I have listed the main categories and subcategories. You are also requested to find at least one area of the tool that I did not cover and explain that as well.

I have provided you the template that you must use for this assignment. Consider using screen shots in the table and good descriptions of how to use the tool.

I would expect that the total Help File would be no less than 10 pages or so.

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