For each Film Response, answer ONE question about ONE film in the “Films and Questions” page of this module.

1) Each Film Response must be a minimum of 600 words. You may go over that minimum, but no Response even one word under the minimum will be accepted. Please include the word count in your heading (see #3).

2) I’m grading entirely on content, not mechanics (grammar, spelling, etc.); but a Response will lose points if it contains sentences that are unclear due to errors. And please do remember to italicize film titles.

3) At the left top of the first page put this information:

Your Name

HUM 1020 Film Response 1

How Viewed and on What date (e.g. DVD/Netflix/Theater Viewed 1/30/2017)

Date Submitted and Word Count

4) In Films and Questions you will find a brief introduction to each film, and question or questions about its message/theme. For each of the two Film Responses, choose one film and answer ONE question about it. Note that some questions have more than one part. ALL of the Response MUST address the question. NO CREDIT whatsoever will be given for a plot recap or general statements about the film or the topic. I’ve seen all these films and know what happens in them, so do not waste any word count explaining the plot. ALWAYS refer to specific scenes and incidents in the film to support your answer to the questions.

5) Even if you’ve already seen the film you’re writing on, you should watch it again specifically to formulate a good answer to the question about it.

6) Submit the Responses in the module in which their due dates fall (Week 5 module for Film Response 1, Week 11 module for Film Response 2). These essays will be evaluated by SafeAssign and there should be no highlighted content in the SafeAssign report except for generic phrases, names (films, actors, etc.), and short quotes from the film. Do not put in long quotes; they will not be counted as part of the required word count.

7) I will assign each Response a point value up to 100, based on how well you addressed the question for the film, including specific references to scenes that support your view.

American Sniper

The story of the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history, based on his own book, has generated tremendous controversy about its central message.

Questions: (Choose one)

A) According to director Clint Eastwood,”The biggest anti-war statement any film” can make is to show “the fact of what [war] does to the family and the people who have to go back into civilian life like Chris Kyle did.” Agree or disagree that this is the central message of the film, referring to specific scenes.

B) The director brings an artistic vision to the screen. Every audience member brings his or her own world view and experiences to the theater. The result is a dynamic interaction, not a passive experience. Why do you think American Sniper has had such a strongly divided reaction along political lines? Refer to specific scenes.

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