requirement : 1300 mini words one introduction ,five body paragraphs ,one conclusion double space .

each paragraph must have one rhetorical appeal or rhetorical strategy. five paragraphs must has both rhetorical appeal and rhetorical strategy.(for example :three paragraphs rhetorical rhetorical strategy and 2 paragraphs appeal)

rhetorical appeal: paths logos ethos

rhetorical strategy: definition ,description, narration, exemplification, comparison and contrast ,process analysis,cause and effect ,argument .

each body paragraph must follow the rules TEA( topic ,pivot and context, evidence ,analysis, return to the rhetorical method ) see the file below

below few files attach : one is example rhetorical analysis essay (the format must same match this example essay )

one definition rhetorical strategy

one definition rhetorical appeal

one example body paragraph structure (TEA)

the pic I chose already ,I will send the pic file in person .

one more thing ,please give me a draft or brief introduction before 11pm tonight due to my hw need post on discussion ,this draft introduction won’t be the final revision ,so only need draft introduction before today midnight .

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