I need a discussion post for the following instructions. All questions need to be thoroughly answered and well-written.
Week 2 Discussion: Case Study
What you’ll do, why it matters, and how it relates to course curriculum: For the Public Relations professional, being able to properly analyze the findings of others is integral to the development critical thinking skills and judging the validity of secondary findings. Your discussion this week will focus on evaluating your understanding of the secondary research in this case study.
This week we’re covering:
This week we are exploring statistical significance and examining the validity of secondary research.
This is important because:
Being able to properly analyze secondary research data is an important role for the Public Relations professional. Developing your critical thinking and analytical skills will serve you well as you prepare to make your research pitch to your organization/artist.
This assignment will require you to:
1. Read the case study: Give at least two examples of where you believe the study is strong and at least one example of where you believe the study is weak. If you do not believe there are examples of strength or weakness, defend your answer.
2. Statistical Significance: Discuss one aspect of the data as it relates to statistical significance. Is the data set significant? Why or why not?
3. Construct Follow-Up: If you were using this study to create a PR campaign, what would be three (3) additional questions you would need to determine?
By completing this assignment you’ll be able to:
You will feel confident that you can analyze data, using common statistical terms, in a professional setting. As Public Relations professionals, you will be able to analyze data and adjust collection as needed to achieve statistically significant information.
Discussion Directions
For your initial post:
1. Read the case study: Give at least two examples of where you believe the study is strong and at least one example of where you believe the study is weak. If you do not believe there are examples of strength or weakness, defend your answer.
2. Statistical Significance: Discuss one aspect of the data as it relates to statistical significance. Is the data set significant? Why or why not? This is strictly about hard numbers and not about “soft” data.
3. Construct Follow-Up: If you were using this study to create a PR campaign, what would be three (3) additional questions you would need to determine?
- Be free of any grammatical or spelling errors
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