This case analysis related to corporate social responsibility (CSR). Analyze NIKE’s business model and competitive advantage and provide insights into challenges and opportunities for the sustainability of the company. Evaluate how corporate social responsibility strategies contribute to a company’s financial success. Case

Read the Case “Governance and Sustainability at NIKE (A)”. Then respond to the questions below:

  • Does NIKE’s dedication to corporate social responsibility contribute to its competitive advantage? How? Explain.
  • Which ethical standards (norms, principles, and Ideals) are at the basis of NIKE’s mission and its corporate social responsibility initiatives? Explain.
  • Who are NIKE’s stakeholders?For each stakeholder, identify their stakeholder relationship and why you assigned that relationship to that stakeholder.
  • Should Nike revisit its commitment to Road to Zero? Would you lower the water targets or find the resources elsewhere? What would you recommend if you were in Jones’s position? In Sprunk’s position?
  • How would you evaluate the steps senior leadership has taken to integrate corporate responsibility and sustainability into the business?


Around 1500 words, double space,

Analyse and discuss the impact of CSR initiatives to improve competitive advantage

-Does NIKE’s dedication to corporate social responsibility contribute to its competitive advantage? How? Explain.

Discuss the ethical standards at the basis of NIKE’s mission and its CSR initiatives.

-Which ethical standards (norms, principles, and Ideals) are at the basis of NIKE’s mission and its corporate social responsibility initiatives? Explain.

Identification of stakeholders

-Who are NIKE’s stakeholders, and why? Explain.

Analyse and discuss potential issues connected with CSR initiatives.

-What issues do you foresee coming from NIKE’s critics?

Solutions and Actions for improvement

-What improvements and actions do you suggest can be made on NIKE’s business model?

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