Be sure to refer to the course syllabus and review the discussion initial post and peer reply expectations. Failure to meet these requirements will result in point deductions.*
You will be required to provide initial discussion posts (at least 300 words) and two peer replies (at least 100 words) or each discussion assignment. The initial response is due no later than Wednesday and peer responses due no later than Sunday. Be sure to provide an engaging and insightful initial discussion post and peer replies.
1. Of the nine sources of emotions and moods identified in your text, which do you feel is the most critical and why?
2. Consider the impact of emotions on customer service. What is the effect of emotions and moods on customer satisfaction, and how does the concept of emotional contagion enter into this?
3. Describe the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality framework. Based on the framework, what would you think was your personality type? Why?
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