4A1: Elements of a Safety Program

Utilize the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard to identify the elements that you are required to include in your program for Wildcat Welding & Manufacturing. Incorporate the elements that you identify from the standard into an outline. Be detailed in your research – your goal is to create a document that could be used to prevent a catastrophic event.

For Example: If I were to create a Confined Space Program, I would complete an outline with the following areas identified from 29 CFR 1910.146.

1910.146 Confined Space Program

Table of Contents

  1. Objective
  2. Background
  3. Assignment of Responsibility 29 CFR 1910.146(i)
    1. Employer
    2. Program Manager
    3. Entry Supervisors 29 CFR 1910.146 (j)
    4. Attendants
    5. Rescue Team
    6. Entrants/Affected Employees
  4. Training 29 CFR 1910.146(g)
    1. Training Frequency
    2. General Training
    3. Specific Training
    4. Verification of Training
  5. Identification of Hazards and Evaluation of Confined Spaces 29 CFR 1910.146(c)
    1. Survey
    2. Hazard Reevaluation
    3. Pre-Entry Hazard Assessment
    4. Hazard Controls
  6. Entry Permits 29 CFR 1910.146(f)
    1. Key Elements of Entry Permits
    2. Permit Scope and Duration
  7. Entry Procedures 29 CFR 1910.146(h)
    1. Prior to Entry
    2. Opening a Confined Space
    3. Atmospheric Testing
    4. Isolation and Lockout/Tagout Safeguards
    5. Ingress/Egress Safeguards
    6. Warning Signs and Symbols
  8. Emergency Response 29 CFR 1910.146(k)
    Attachment, Example Confined Space Entry Permit
    1. Emergency Response Plan
    2. Retrieval Systems and Methods of Non-Entry Rescue

Assessment Rubric:

Identification of Safety Program Elements

  • Levels of Achievement
    Criteria Novice Competent Proficient
    Element Identification Weight 75.00% 0 %Learner identified some elements (less than 50%) of the safety program requirements from the regulatory standard requirements. 50 %Learner identified some elements (over 50%) of the safety program requirements from the regulatory standard requirements. 100 %Learner identified all elements of the safety program requirements from the regulatory standard requirements.
    Regulation Documentation Weight 25.00% 0 %Learner did not document the areas where the information was found within the regulation. 50 %Learner documented some of the areas where the information was found within the regulation. 100 %Learner documented the areas where the information was found within the regulation.
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