Other than possibly a few who might have submitted a first draft of the documented essay last week, most students will be submitting the first draft for a preliminary grade at some point in Module 8. Please understand that those who are able to submit first will receive their corrections and comments first and, therefore, be able to submit their final draft in Module 9 and perhaps receive their grade for the course early. Regardless, try to submit this first draft no later than Sunday since the time for grading might mean you would not get those corrections until some time early in Module 9, depending on the number of papers arriving at the last possible moment.

Before submitting you might use this checklist:

MLA format top to bottom:

Double space only

12 TNR Font only

paragraphs indented

every page numbered

one inch margins all the way around, or on all four sides

an attached Works Cited page

minimum three sources, but more acceptable

every source listed on the works cited (minimum 3) are quoted a minimum of one time each in the paper

use of parenthetical references with the period outside the reference only like this ( ).

content of the parenthetical references and the reference page consistent with MLA format

works cited in alphabetical order, double space, with the first line of every reference ON the left margin but other lines indented once


Must be your original essay

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