Study the Week 3 Virtual Company Tours.
Note: Access Legoland® Forecasting Application via the Legoland® Forecasting Application Access Link located in Week 3.
Answer the following questions in short answer or list format. Each answer must be at least 300 words.
- Why is forecasting important to the Legoland® California Resort?
- What are the forecasting techniques that Legoland® might find helpful when forecasting and why?
- What events might occur that could produce a significant error in Legoland’s® forecast on any particular day?
- Based on your assessment of all of the rides, attractions, and restaurants, provide a rough estimate for the number of guests that the park can accommodate at any given time. Then provide a rough estimate of the number of employees needed in the park on a busy day. How many employees would be needed on a day with light attendance?
Format any resources used consistent with APA guidelines.
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