The primary object of a SWOT analysis is to help an organization develop a full awareness of all the elements involved in a decision process.
Scenario: You own a car dealership within a large city. You have many clients; however, you have noticed a slowing growth in car sales. You decide to conduct a SWOT analysis of your car dealership to help with your strategic planning within the changing, competitive market.
To conduct your SWOT analysis, you must write an essay that is a minimum of two pages and fulfills the following requirements.
- Articulates the four elements of the SWOT analysis.
- Summarizes the importance of SWOT analysis in strategic planning.
- Provides at least two strengths, two weakness, two opportunities, and two threats that your car dealership faces. Since this is a hypothetical situation, you can make up your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
- Explains how you could utilize a Gantt chart within your strategic planning.
- Utilizes APA style formatting and guidelines.
- Includes at least one source from the CSU Online Library. You may search the following databases: Business Source Complete, ABI/Inform Collection, and Academic Search Complete.
Remember to compare your essay with the rubric before submitting.
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