What Can We Live Without? write about “energy drinks and how it could effect our health and how we can live without it” how we can live without it and how it can affect our health


After conversations about appeals and fallacies that are found in the “texts” that surround us, and the work of Wallace, Carson, and Leopold, we’ll now turn to making our own argument, based on the Toulmin model of argument, exploring the questions: “What Can We Live Without?”

In this paper, you will

write about 5-6 Pages using simple words

  • Make an argument according to the Toulmin Model of argument answering the question “What Can We Live Without?”

To do that, you will:

  • Make a clear Claim, and expand on that through necessary points made in body paragraphs
  • Establish the Grounds for your argument
  • Understand the Warrant that connections your Claim and Grounds
  • Bring in multiple perspectives as Backing and Rebuttal, where necessary.

If you have these mapped out for class on 9/24, that would be wonderful.

Another way to approach this might be to answer one of these questions:

  • What is a habit or practice you enjoy, but might have ethical issues that are cause for concern?
  • How might your personal habits (and thus larger cultural habits) be harming the environment, and what could be done to mitigate those?

After your paper and works cited references, write a reflection where you detail your writing process for this paper, specific things you think are working well in the paper, and any challenges you had, as well as asking a question or directing me to something you’re concerned about.

Your paper should:

  • Provide an introductory paragraph that presents an idea and puts it in context.
  • Have a thesis statement that makes the purpose of the paper clear.
  • Be Organized/have a Structure advancing that thesis in at least 5 body paragraphs before concluding.
  • Summarize, paraphrase, and quote sources as needed to support your points.
  • Make sure to properly cite all your sources both in text and in a Work Cited page at the end of your paper according to MLA format.
  • Be mindful of grammar and mechanics in your writing.
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