Conduct a web search for each of the following 7 counseling specializations:

Marriage and Family, Play, Sex, Art, Addictions/Substance Abuse, EMDR, Hypnotherapy.

Complete a Q&A (Counseling Specialization Assignment Form.doc) regarding each form of therapy. The Q&A will include 3 questions regarding each specialization:

What type of training is needed to become specialized in this area of counseling?
What are the distinctive techniques used by therapists practicing within this specialization?
What types of patients would benefit from this type of counseling?

Also, students will research at least one professional organization such as AAMFT, AACC, CAPS, and briefly discuss the purpose of the organization and who is eligible to apply to the organization.

Students must cite each source using appropriate APA formatting. Your responses to each of the questions should be summarized. Students who copy and paste the responses directly from the websites will receive a zero. Students who fail to include a proper reference page will receive a zero. Students will utilize Internet sources to search for official associations, organizations, and agencies related to counseling specializations. For example: The EMDR National Association at (Links to an external site.) and the Texas Association for Play Therapists at (Links to an external site.). Students should utilize professional associations, organizations, and agency websites only. Students should conduct an exhaustive search for specific certification/license requirements in each specialization by the Texas Department of State Health Services: (Links to an external site.).

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