Answer the question below base on the readings ?Intro to Ocean Sci.: Ch. 12 (Links to an external site.) (pp 282-292, 298-304) and Critical Concepts 14 and 15

  1. Describe how energy moves through a food web. Ultimately, where does the energy come from and how is is transferred or change form?
  2. Name the major nutrients necessary for primary production in the ocean. Describe the distribution of nutrients in the water column, i.e. where does there tend to be lower and higher concentrations of nutrients.
  3. Explain why phytoplankton tend to be smaller, singled celled organisms that are higher in abundance than larger organisms.
  4. Explain what a limiting factor is and what factor(s) limits growth of phytoplankton.
  5. List the major types of phytoplankton. Explain how phytoplankton differ from zooplankton.
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