Please respond to the four questions in detail.

5 Black leaders discussed were, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B Dubois, Ida B. Wells, Marcus Garvey, & A. Phillip Randolph

1. We have studied 5 black leaders in this unit, chose one that you identify with, explain why and how they differed from the leaders you did not select.

2.Explain the difference between economic power and economic wealth. Give specific examples of each. Did black people at the turn of the 20th century achieve either?

3. Discuss the events and factors that led to concept of the “New Negro.” Make sure you explain the concept of Pan-Africanism and how it contributed to this new consciousness among blacks in the 20th century.

4.Explain the difference between De Facto and De Jure segregation. How did each form of segregation dictate black life in the 20th century?

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